What is Voice Activation?

Our voices are a direct living connection to the deepest parts of who we are. Voice Activation is an invitation to heal your relationship with your voice so that you may speak your truth, set boundaries and express your most authentic self confidently. Rather than focusing on singing “good” or hitting the “right” notes, this work encourages you to connect with your sensory wisdom, to FEEL the healing power of your voice and awaken your song channel!

Choose Your Adventure

  • "LIFE-CHANGING!!! Ali was an amazing and intuitive person to guide me through my voice activation journey. I am now able to express myself so much more, not only singing, but with sharing my ideas, opinions or thoughts with others. Her 7 week journey is magical and has inspired me to follow my dream. Thank you so much Ali. So happy to have met you."

    Billie (Australia)

  • "I did Ali’s 7 week voice activation course working with with each chakra & honestly have no words that gives the experience justice to how is has completely changed my life. Each lesson blew my mind & was so incredibly healing. I’ve found a deeper part of myself that was hidden & I couldn’t access & I’ve tapped into the part of my creativity that had always been blocked. It’s now blown open with love."

    Dines (Australia)

  • "I loved doing the 7 weeks of voice activation with Ali 🫶🏼 She is very gentle and understanding, and she also has a wonderful voice! You quickly feel confident to free your voice and let yourself go 🎤 It's fun too, and over the 7 weeks I've seen a big difference in the way I express myself. I feel more confident expressing myself and daring to set limits. I also see that my voice when I sing is more harmonious, I highly recommend this experience. She is liberating and transforming 🦋🧘🏽‍♀️ I would definitely do this voice activation again!!! It really gave me confidence in my voice, people even tell me I sing well now 😁 Thank you Ali ♥️♥️"

    Mathilde (France)

  • "This kind of work doesn't tend to deliver tangible results and certainly isn't speedy, but over a month after completing my sessions with Ali I can see the positive effects of the healing I did with her manifesting in my life. I can speak up now without getting that dreaded lump in my throat, I am more creative and able to express myself more clearly, and I can tone without crying! I even tone and sing out loud in my home now."

    Kristin (Canada)

Let’s Make some Noise!

It’s time we break the silence and start speaking/singing our truth out into the world!

Our voices allow us to share our thoughts, feelings, and creative ideas with the universe and each other. Oftentimes, due to childhood (or past life) traumas, we find our vocal expression blocked. Not only does this limit our ability to clearly articulate our needs and wants to others, but it also hinders our ability to manifest our heart’s desires with the universe.

Voice activation is a therapeutic technique that involves using vocal expressions, such as toning, chanting, or affirmations, to promote emotional release and self-expression. Sessions include a series of different exercises to awaken your voice, liberate your authentic expression and experiment with sound. Sessions often include movement, breathwork, guided visualisation, song-channeling exercises, and mindset shifts to help you reprogram beliefs around sharing your voice. This is not your average "singing lesson", rather a sacred ceremony to awaken your spirit song and invigorate your energy centres. It is best to come with an open mind - playful and curious. 

    • Reduce stress and anxiety

    • Improve vagal tone

    • Improve physical and mental performance

    • Combat depression

    • Boost your immune system

    • Reduce physical tension in the body

    • Release trauma

    • Improve sleep quality

    • Boost creativity and mental clarity

  • Every session begins with a "drop in" meditation where we connect with the land, our hearts and our intention for the session. We then move the body with a variety of different exercises (shaking, swaying, forward folds, jaw movements) to break up any stagnant energy in the body to support our fullest expression.

    For one-off sessions, we take a journey up the chakra system. Each centre, we focus on using the vibration of our voices to blast through any blocks associated with this area (ie for the root, we'll focus on safety, stability and belonging). Here are no words or lyrics, just pure sound with an invitation to play with pitch, whilst learning to befriend your divine wind instrument. Before moving onto the next chakra, we will repeat affirmations to support our fullest expression and liberation in this space.

    For the full 7 series package, we dive into each chakra in much more depth. This involves journal prompts, mindset shifts, breathwork and movement specifically focusing on one particular chakra. Each week involves a different frequency (crystal bowl) that we use to support us in our song channeling practices.

    Both the one-off and the 7 series all conclude with a song channeling practice, accompanied with a crystal bowl, hand on heart drum beat (online) or use of medicine drum (in person). This is a powerful opportunity to connect with your song channel and allow whatever sounds want to come through to be expressed.

    The goal is not to "sound good", this is about connecting with the deep resonance and healing power of your voice. It's common for these practices to result in an emotional release, insights and a greater sense of connection to yourself and the magnitude of power that resides within.